Building Change Polygons for Turkiye Earthquake Recovery Effort Overview Maxar Technologies has utilized building segmentation models applied to Maxar's Analysis Ready Data (ARD) in order to derive regions of building change for areas of interest with regard to the February 6, 2023 Turkiye earthquake. The building change polygons indicate "removed building," "new building," "building to building," or "building change" areas. The files are split between UTM zones 36 and 37. Files 36_Feb11_vis_change.gpkg 37_Feb11_vis_change.gpkg Attributes bdate: the before date of the ARD image pair used to derive the change polygon adate: the after date of the ARD image pair used to derive the change polygon bcid: the before catalog ID of the ARD image pair used to derive the change polygon acid: the after catalog ID of the ARD image pair used to derive the change polygon chtype: "build" (building) for all change polygons provided chdesc: "nch" for building to building polygon, "rem" for removed building, "new" for new building, "och" for building change, and "nodata" for a region that didn't have matching data or had cloud or cloud shadow occlusion quadkey: the quadkey correspdonding to the ARD pair utm: the UTM zone conf_seg_mean: for "nch", "rem", "new" this is the mean of the probability change map over the polygon; for "och" it is the percent change in the number of building segmentation output pixel over a given threshold for the polygon Notes The change polygons are not building footprints, but derived regions of change. The following are known reasons inaccurate results could occur. Building detection is not as accurate in snowy regions, therefore affecting the change polygon result. Image misalignment can cause false new building and removed building nearby each other; this is more prevalent in hilly regions. Extreme tall building lean in the imagery can also affect results. License Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license (CC BY-NC 4.0)